Study trips

inlingua Verona organises study trips abroad for those who want to improve their language skills and live a unique experience, immersing themselves completely in the local culture.

Here are the most popular destinations: Malta, England, Ireland, Germany, the USA, and many more to be discovered!


Do you want to go on an unforgettable learning holiday? Do you want to prepare for a language certificate? Do you want to increase your job opportunities? Do you want to improve your language skills?

Pack your suitcase, we’ll take care of the rest!

What inlingua Verona offers you

  • Free counselling service to choose the location and type of course best suited to your needs
  • Course organisation (general/business courses for adults, youth, children, families, etc.)
  • Accommodation in selected local families or in other types of accommodation (hotels, residences, hostels)
  • Transport to/from the airport
  • On-site activities and events
  • Support service before, during and after departure International environment
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inlingua Verona S.r.l. | P.IVA 02868840238 | Registro Imprese di Verona PEC: | Capitale Sociale  € 10.200,00 i.v. | REA VR – 290406