Funded training
inlingua for companies

Accredited body for funded training
Thanks to the Veneto Region, the inlingua Verona institute is an accredited entity for language training, representing new opportunities to carry out free funded training for all businesses.
Why should you use funds?
Interprofessional funds (such as Fondimpresa and Fondirigenti) allow the subscribed businesses to get a partial or complete funding for their staff’s training for complex and complete projects.
Inlingua Verona staff is always updated on the funding opportunities of the Veneto Region and the relevant Ministries. Moreover, for many years we’ve been in partnership with bilateral entities that deal with the brokering between the business and the interprofessional funds for training purposes, whether they are focused on language learning or not.
What does inlingua do for you?
inlingua Verona is available to meet each company to verify the chance to benefit from the different funding opportunities within the Veneto Region.
Through our talent24 department we manage all the paperwork to obtain funds, proposing comprehensive training projects.
- Preliminary Needs’ Analysis in order to understand the needs of your business and propose the most suitable solution for you
- Training project creation
- Preparation and presentation of your plan
- Monitoring up to the final accountability of the plan and its business accountability
For more information

Inlingua Verona S.r.l.
© 2025 | All rights reserved
Inlingua Verona S.r.l.
- Stradone S. Fermo, 21 - 37121 Verona VR
- +39 045 596560 // +39 045 8011999
- +39 349 6428288
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inlingua Verona S.r.l. | P.IVA 02868840238 | Registro Imprese di Verona PEC: | Capitale Sociale € 10.200,00 i.v. | REA VR – 290406